Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving was a wonderful day - we started the day by going to church, with sermon being on contentment. We then went to Jim and Leah for a Big Thanksgiving Dinner, with Jeff & Stephanie and family, Doug & Sue,Joel & Lanae, and families, Hank & Judy and Terry and I. The afternoon and evening we spent playing games, the guys watched some football. It was a cold & gloomy day outside, the kids did go out for awhile but it was rather cold.

Friday we just cleaned the house & in the afternoon we went to get a Chistmas Tree and decorated it. It really looks pretty, I have it in front of the windowby the fireplace this year.

Saturday I got ready for Jeff and Steph & family to come for dinner on Sunday. About 3:00 we went downtown to look at the lights and the Macy's store windows(This year the theme is the NUtcracker). Walked through Daly Plaza where the have the huge Christmas tree lit up for the Holiday season. They also have all little shops set up there, all German things to sell and also food to buy. We ended up eating at the Cheese Factory.

1 comment:

Connie said...

wow. pretty fancy blog. good work.